The Captain Hollywood Saga
As a kid growing up in Southern California, I thrived on schlock. I built Aurora monster models, watched Saturday morning monster movies, stacked my comic books high. I rode a red Schwinn Sting Ray, dug Big Daddy Roth and Rat Fink, and knew a Hang-Ten Surfer from a Hodad. I loved Kalifornia Kar Kulture, had a thing for Annette Funicello, tacked a poster of the Wolfman on my wall, and ran home from school to watch Dark Shadows. . . . and all those cool boomer memories are still very much alive. We’ve all grown up now and have kids of our own, but those memories are still warm and still occupy a pretty special place. Captain Hollywood’s Curiosity Shops are a sort of compendium of a lot of those fun weird, wonderful schlocky things we loved as kids; things that made being a kid so cool in those days.
What you’ll discover here are three shops. 2 on eBay, and 1 on Amazon. You’ll find my flagship shop on the page marked, cleverly, “The Shop.” It will give you a look at the outside of my store on Captain Hollywood Way. The shop is a portal from which you can explore a variety of rooms. Each room has a different appeal, each has different fun merchandise, each a unique theme. I invite you to visit the various rooms of my shop and see what I’ve discovered, and in so doing, maybe share some of these discoveries with your own brood and resurrect some of your own fond memories too. There’s a lot of stuff to see, so feel free to spend a little time and do a little digging, even way off there in the back of the shop. Over the years I’ve learned that if you want to find treasure, you’ve got to do some digging. The Gargoyles will take you to my Amazon Shop and my eBay store, and if you click on Captain Weird (my eccentric brother who lives in the attic), you’ll be taken to view his very strange collection. You never know what you’ll find around here if you take the time to have a fearless look around.
A Blast from the Past
At my shops I welcome collectors & curiosity seekers. I’ve prowled the sets, backlots, and estates of Hollywood for years, and I’ve got a couple of nearly famous friends in the flicks that keep me in movie SWAG. . . . very often stuff straight from the studios that I pass onto my customers. You’ll discover movie press kits, collectibles, toys, autographs, pix, flix, posters, the lot. Click on any admission ticket anywhere on the site and you’ll be taken to “The Shop” where you’ll be able to explore my old stately store on Captain Hollywood Way. Feel free to wander & explore. Each window in the shop will take you into a different room providing a different adventure, a different experience.
And regardless of whether this is your first visit to my shops or your thousandth, you’ll always find amazing things, crazy curiosities, obtuse oddities, obnoxious obscura, and warm & fuzzy memories everywhere you look at Captain Hollywood’s (nearly famous) Curiosity Shops.
I’ve got rare 35mm movie film cells from flicks old and new, the Universal Monsters in all their glory, action figures and models from classic Golden Age TV shows and recent blockbusters. You’ll find UFOs and paranormal collectibles, TV & movie models and die casts, rare autographs, movie props and prop replicas, great comics, contemporary movie toys, unusual games, magic, morphing movie mugs, and mega-movie stars. Lots of great movie memories that you can have and hold. You’ll have a sensational blast from the past! And never mind that crazy coot behind the curtain mumbling to himself. . . . it’s only ME, the CAPTAIN!
Your Treasures Are My Pleasures
I know that you want your treasures and collectibles delivered to your pad in good order and as soon as possible. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I take extreme care in packaging & protecting your purchases. I’ll ship your stuff promptly and make sure it’s bullet-proofed for the long journey. Hey, even our pal the postman can have a bad day, so I want to make sure your items get to you in good order. With items that I fulfill myself, you’ll often find a fun freebie in the bottom of your package too. And if your purchase doesn’t delight you, I welcome you to return it with the promise of a full refund pronto, no questions asked.